
Posts Tagged ‘Travel’

012. Travel to Ireland

I consider this goal complete when: I have traveled to Ireland.

Why this goal is on my list: I love to travel, love the color green, why shouldn’t I go? But, seriously, I’ve already begun planning this trip. I’m going with a friend of mine and her aunt, and I can’t wait! It’ll be loads of fun.

Additional notes: I also have a tiny Irish flag on my desk.


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005. Go on a road trip

I consider this goal complete when: I have gone on a trip by car that doesn’t have one specific destination. Perhaps we’ll stay in a dingy motel and swear to never do it again, or on a whim, stop in a boring town and take a picture of pigeon on a statue. Whatever happens, it’ll be a blast.

Why this goal is on my list: I went on a road trip with my family years ago, for two weeks, and we went all around Oregon to different geographical places, and it was extremely fun. I’d love to experience something like that again with my sister now that we’re both older and I could drive us somewhere and we could get hopelessly lost.

Additional notes: I have a bunch of magazines and flyers and crap that we can peruse for where we’d like to go on our road trip. We don’t actually know how large California is, or how long it will take us to drive anywhere, so we’re terribly unprepared for an adventure of this measure. It’ll be great.


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